Monday, November 21, 2005

Spontaneous Expansion of the Church

In doing all this reading on organic/simple/spontaneous/open church/movement stuff, I have often run accross quotes and references to Roland Allen and his classic work on the subject. The work is originally from 1927, but I was able to pick up an 1962 copy (Amazon baby) and Roland's thinking is as good for today as it has ever been. I found myself amening many a page.

In this work Roland touches on all the key issues on kingdom growth and rapid expansion (and what limits it). I found myslef participating in much that limits.

A list of the chapter titles correlates to much of the discussion today (italics mine):

  • The Nature and Character of Spontaneous Expansion (what does this look like?)
  • Modern Movements toward Liberty (how does it expand?)
  • Fear for the Doctrine (nuff said)
  • The Christian standard of Morals (how do we make sure people are good Christians?)
  • Civilization and Enlightenment (how God redeems culture)
  • Missionary Organization (starting with missional churches)
  • Ecclesiastical Orgnization (structure by the mission)
  • The Way of Spontaneous Expansion

Roland aslo wrote Misionary Methoods: St. Paul's or Ours and "The Ministry Of the Spirit." I might have to read more.

You can read the whole book in many places on line.

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