Friday, November 11, 2005

Douglass on Simplified Growth Discussion Methods

One thing I like about Steve Douglass (el presidente of Campus Crusade) is that he gets his hands dirty in the ministry – very dirty at a bare bones level. Here is a recent memo from Steve regarding some work he is doing at the University of Central Florida. Steve is attempting to ratchet up the turn around time for spiritual multiplication by making it simple, transferable and relationally driven. Here is part of his solution.

This is totally an experiment on Steve’s part (and I might get fired for posting it . . . not). Obviously he is willing to mess with the formula and is always looking for improvements.

TO: Small Group Leaders
FROM: Steve Douglass
DATE: October 9, 2005
SUBJECT: Growth Groups

Thank you for being willing to help Campus Crusade experiment with simplified growth group discussion methods. We are praying that this will lead to better and quicker spiritual multiplication with students who are new to the ministry. The method you will be using builds in relational connection, involvement in learning through discussion, “storying” and immediate practical application.

What follows is:
  1. An outline of the topics and outcomes you will be seeking in your group discussions.
  2. A general discussion outline. You will use this same outline for every session.
  3. A list of suggested ways to introduce each topic along with Bible passages related to each topic.
We will be walking through this in more detail, so I won’t duplicate all of that interaction in writing here. However, I would like to stress a few main points:

  1. Pray and prepare for each group session to the point where you are not “a slave to your notes”.
  2. Remember throughout the discussion, that you are seeking to engage and involve people in the learning process versus just telling them what they should know.
  3. In light of that, keep asking questions, listen intently to answers and often say, “What do the rest of you think about that?”
  4. Be sure you get to the “Apply” discussion and encourage people to seriously pick one thing they could try to do in the next week.
  5. Also encourage people to select someone specific they could “Tell” about what they learned in this session. This is crucial to accelerating the spiritual multiplication process.
  6. Pray for one another for both application and sharing, as you close the session.
  7. Be looking for at least one member of the group who shows signs of being able to lead a small group discussion like this. At the end of the “4 Walks” challenge him/her to start a group and offer help in getting that started.
How to Help Christians Grow in Christ
Challenge them to get to know God and start to relate to Him.

4 Walks

  1. ASSURED – Be sure of your personal relationship with God.
  2. FORGIVEN – Know you are truly forgiven by God for all of your sins – whatever they are.
  3. FILLED – Know you are filled with the Holy Spirit, giving you wisdom and power for living.
  4. CONTINUALLY – Relate to God all the time.

Challenge them to trust God for changes in their lives in light of their relationship with Him and the availability of His power and wisdom.

4 Talks

  1. PRAY (Talk to God) – Talk to God about everything you encounter.
  2. APPLY the Bible (Let God Talk to You) – Apply to your life what you learn from the Bible daily.
  3. FELLOWSHIP (Talk to Christians) – Form close relationships with true followers of Jesus.
  4. WITNESS (Talk to Non-Christians) – Share the gospel with your non-Christian friends and acquaintances.

Challenge them to trust God to change their perspective.

4 Attitudes

  1. TRUST – Trust God versus yourself.
  2. OBEY – Obey what is right versus what you feel.
  3. LOVE – Love God with your whole heart and worship Him.
  4. USE – Use well what God gives you, for His purpose.

Growth Group Discussion Outline

with needs:

  • Find out how they are doing.
  • Introduce them to the topic and why they need to understand and apply it. (See suggestions for introducing the topic on the next page.)
  • Surface experiences:
Let me tell you how I have experienced this (or a related topic)…”
Have you experienced this? Tell us about it.”

HEAR what God says:
  • Read (or tell) a Bible story/passage related to the topic (See the next page for suggested Bible passages. If there is another passage you prefer on this topic, use it instead. But, try not to use more than 2 different passages in one session.)
  • Discuss:
What can we learn about God?
“What can we learn about our response to God?”
Follow-on questions.

APPLY that to life:
  • Clarify the main lesson. (See the previous page for a brief statement of the lesson.)
  • Discuss:
“Why don’t we always respond that way?”
“How can you get started applying this lesson in the next week?”
  • In groups of 2 or 3, have them share how they plan to get started applying. Then have them pray for one another.
TELL someone they know:
  • Ask who they know who might be interested in hearing about what they are learning.
  • Encourage them share with that person in the next few days.
  • Ask later how it went (perhaps in the “connect” part of the next group meeting).
Suggested Ways to Introduce the Topic (IT) and Suggested Bible Passages to Discuss (BP)

4 Walks

  • IT: “Relationships thrive on acceptance and assurance”
  • BP: Luke 15:11-24 (story); I John 5:11-13


  • IT: “Forgiveness gives a relationship fresh start”
  • BP: Luke 7:36-50 (story); I John: 1:9 – 2:2


  • IT: “A Christian cannot have enough wisdom and power to cope
  • with life’s problems without God’s power.”
  • BP: John 7:37-39; Ephesians 5:18-21; Contrast Peter in John
  • 18:16-18 versus Acts 2:14-21.


  • IT: “Like any human relationship, our relationship with God greatly
  • benefits from frequent interaction.
  • BP: Philippians 4:4-9; Psalm 16:8

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