Great Plains and "The Way Forward?"
I am in Estes Park at the Stanley Hotel with the killer GPI region of Campus Crusade for Christ - they are having a discussion on 'The Way Forward' - the new directional direction from the National Team of the campus ministry.
You can look at the PowerPoint here - but here are some questions being asked by these leaders?
- What systems are in place for coaching these new teams - how does that look?
- What thought is given to getting more people on the ground?
- Tension between organizational control and expansion?
- What is a missional team anyway?
- Are we going to have the same success criteria?
- Does this mean that the local level with have more authority?
- How doest this look in partnerships on campus? Internationally?
- The strategic priorities - what exactly are these?
- Is this initiated at the local level / regional level?
- Is this an expansion of scope / or just a serious allocation to scope?
- Is there a bigger change coming? or is this it?