Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Destino Adventure - Blind Squirrel Finds Nut (potential)

There is something quite inspiring in how God works - often times through people of simple faith and profound ignorance. He is a God that honors moving obedience rather than stagnant knowledge, radical faith over deep philosophy. He always amazes me with how he chooses to show up if I simply choose to believe he will - and then act on that belief.

My Destino experiment is a case in point. Destino is simply Campus Crusade for Christ's expression of campus ministry in the Latino/Hispanic community. Even though I helped run the Destino Summer Leadership Development Project in San Antonio during the summer of '04, I am nowhere near a cultural expert. However, I do desire to see something wonderful and overwhelming happen in this community.

And that is why I am in this experiment. To see if God will show up in amazing ways - even if I am just one white guy trying something new.

So, at the end of my last post on Destino at UCF, I was despairing - (and lacking faith that God would show up). Today I thought, "Well, I should at least check the email again." And I read this:

> Hi! My name's Desiree and I was just interested in
> somehow becoming a part of your organization. I know
> you don't meet anywhere yet, but if you need help
> with anything or if you're having some events please
> let me know. Thank You!
> ~*Desiree*~
> ---------------------------------
> Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page

I jumped out of my chair! I was actually shocked (but God was not).

Now, not to be a man of little faith, but Desiree may not be the answer. There are a million and one ways this "launch" could go sideways. But then again . . . GOD. Who knows - but let us continue to move ahead.

So I emailed Desiree back and gave her a brief vision of what we would like to see happen, gave her my phone number and asked her to send me hers (risky?). I will keep you posted.

We shall see what God shall do.

BTW - Desiree is Latino. In her email she gave me her first and last name. Please pray for me as we take the next tentative steps.

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