Spiritual Aggression
It is a curious thing to me that Christianity seems to always work best on the offensive. Culture is not neutral and to attempt to maintain is to lose ground. However, as the gospel goes forth, it transforms (or better to say it accentuates the good) of any culture. The basic essence of the gospel makes a difference.
This is why we are healthiest on the attack. By attack I do not mean in antagonistic fashion with culture (evangelical mistake in the culture war), but an aggression with the goodness of the gospel that changes the very perspective of God in any given setting. Doing good in the name of God so that God's named is glorified among the godless even while the godless are coming to know him.
On a campus setting, we do not have the ability to build and maintain (Thank God). We must move into the darkness of the campus culture and win those who will carry the glory of God into the next generation. If we do not, we will be frustrated in our anemic state and God will raise up something else to get the job done.
Enough doom and gloom. Lets take the world.